Written by the author of "The Chronicles of Narnia", C.S.Lewis, for his close friend J.R.R Tolkien author of "The Lord of The Rings", LifeHakx Media presents our narration of "The ScrewTape Letters".
It's not as bad as it sounds...It is Devilishly worse!
Yes, "The ScrewTape Letters" are ingenious as they address the everyday temptations, distractions and devices meant to allure and deviate us from our natural path.
Narrated by an international group, voiced at both amateur and professional levels, ideas and interpretations of the devil are expressed in this pleasing adaptation of "The ScrewTape Letters".
Chapter ONE
Chapter TWO
Chapter THREE
Chapter FOUR
Silvia SanMartin
Kate Foutz
Elisio Macamo
Lydia Zloto-Tabaka
Timothy Stitt