Anthony Jacquin talks about working online, how to market yourself, how to implement postive anchoring with family and "The Arrow Technique " by Freddy Jacquin. The Arrow Technique takes minutes to do and with no need to find the source of pain/truama and is very effective for physical pain, anxiety and more.
Video Interview HERE
Top Hakx-
Online is as good as in person
Learn to build relationships as your best marketing strategy.
Avoid Global "triggers" by viewing less news stories.
Engage in Breathwork and "make changes within a minute"
Impromtu Hypnosis for home to help diffuse an emotional situation.
Change the word "must" to the word "prefer" (for example "I'd prefer it if you'd take your plates to the kitchen/I'd prefer if you talk with me with a calmer demeanor"
Symbolism & Distraction to help with pain, anxiety, etc.,